10 Worst Doctor Who Moments Of 2024

9. The Disney Drama

Doctor Who Worst Moments Of 2024 Disney+ Ncuti Gatwa

When it was announced that Disney would be partnering with the BBC on Doctor Who, there was a palpable buzz in the air. It meant that the show’s budget and international reach would be bigger than ever before, and that its immediate future was secure.

Since then, it’s transpired that the deal between Disney and the BBC only covered the 60th anniversary specials, the Fifteenth Doctor’s first two seasons, and the upcoming spinoff The War Between the Land and the Sea. And there’s been growing uncertainty regarding the deal's renewal.

Initially, it looked like Ncuti Gatwa would be returning to film Season 3 in early 2025. RTD made remarks to this effect in June, revealing that he’d started writing the season and that filming was slated for “early next year”.

However, he’s since suggested that the decision to commission Season 3 won’t come until after the release of Season 2, which makes the prospect of a 2026 airdate less likely, though not impossible. There's also been doubt as to whether Disney will commit to a third season at all.

While none of this means that Doctor Who is about to get axed (if Disney did pull out, the BBC would either partner with another streamer or go back to making the show themselves) it's rather frustrating that what was supposed to be a fresh exciting start for Doctor Who is already stuttering.

It's also very distracting, and pulls attention away from the show itself. Now that we're heading into Season 2, the BBC would do well to confirm things as soon as they can.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and writer of GO FIGURE, the unofficial guide to Character Options' 5.5" Doctor Who action figures!