10 Worst Doctor Who Moments Of 2024

7. Splice's Strange Behaviour

Doctor Who The Devil's Chord Ncuti Gatwa
BBC Studios

Boom was one of Season 1’s strongest episodes, with Steven Moffat proving he’s still got it after seven years away. But it wasn't perfect.

As the daughter of deceased Anglican marine John Francis Vater and the first person to come across the Doctor and Ruby on Kastarion 3, Splice plays an integral role in the story. But her incredibly child-like behaviour was completely at odds with the actress playing her – who was closer to a teenager than a toddler.

Just look at her ignorance regarding her mother’s death, or the way that she’s quite happy to sit down and watch a slideshow of family photos in the middle of a literal warzone, metres away from a landmine. As a child she’s going to be slightly naive, but overall, her behaviour comes across as unrealistic and borderline stupid – especially for someone who’s grown up in such a dangerous environment.

There’s also her continued use of the phrase “daddy”, which is meant to be endearing, but is ultimately just a bit cringe.

This could all have been prevented by simply casting a younger actor, or making the character more mature. What we got was a four-year-old in the body of a teenager, so something was clearly lost in translation from script to screen.

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