10 Worst Doctor Who Villains Of All Time

1. The Abzorbaloff

Admit it, after the last few picks were all from classic Who, it was looking like the revived series was off the hook, right? But proving that NuWho can beat the classic series in any contest for the worst Doctor Who villain ever, the Abzorbaloff from Series 2's Love & Monsters takes the top spot! Given the production team had to combine a Doctor/companion-lite episode with the inclusion of a Blue Peter design-a-monster competition, there may have been no saving the result. But even with these limitations, the script for Love & Monsters does contain much to admire. Undercutting all of the pathos, however, is comedian Peter Kay in a deeply unflattering monster costume. Thank God he at least wore a thong. What did you think of this list? Are there any other awful Doctor Who villains that should've been included? Join the conversation in the comments section below!
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Mike has lived in the UK, Japan and the USA. Currently, he is based in Iowa with his wife and 2 young children. After working for many years as a writer and editor for a large corporation, he is now a freelancer. He has been fortunate enough to contribute to many books on Doctor Who over the last 20 years and is now concentrating on original sci-fi & fantasy short stories, with recent sales including Flame Tree, Uffda, and The Martian Wave. Also, look for his contribution on Blake's 7 to "You and Who Else", a charity anthology to be released later this year. You can find him on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/culttvmike