10 Worst Ever Captains In Star Trek

9. Captain Rudolph 'Rudy' Ransom - USS Equinox

captain maxwell the wounded picard star trek next generation tng
CBS Media Ventures

Captain Rudy Ransom was a well-respected officer in Starfleet by the time his ship and crew were whisked off to the Delta Quadrant. There are easy parallels with Voyager's journey, though Ransom becomes the darker side of Janeway's soul, making those decisions that we the audience never thought possible.

How far does one go to get their ship and crew home? In a way, Ransom went above and beyond to ensure the safety of his crew. Yet this argument falls apart when one stops to consider the loss of life along the way - his plan to continue harvesting alien bodies to boost the warp core was shown to be brutal, and to result in near-constant acts of reprisal. These reprisals saw more and more of his crew killed.

Before any of that, Ransom gave the fateful command to ignore the sovereign borders of the Krotonan Guard. This foolhardy act saw half of his crew killed within weeks of their arrival in the Delta Quadrant. When compared with Janeway's command, it is clear that Ransom was the wrong man for the job, with several personality traits that should have seen him flushed out of command training before ever becoming captain of the Equinox.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick