10 Worst Ever Captains In Star Trek

4. Commodore Matt Decker - USS Constellation

captain maxwell the wounded picard star trek next generation tng
CBS Media Ventures

Captain Decker was assigned command of the Constellation in 2245 and remained her commander until its destruction in 2267. He was considered one of the finest captains in the fleet by the time that Saru went looking for inspiration in Choose Your Pain, receiving a promotion to Commodore in 2263. 

How, then, does a man so promising end up on a list such as this? 

The Constellation's fateful encounter with the Planet Killer utterly broke the man. They engaged the living weapon, only to discover that their ship was outmatched and outgunner. Decker ordered his entire crew to beam down to the nearby L-374 III when the ship lost power, though this condemned them all to death as the unironically named weapon destroyed the world on which they stood.

When Decker was found by the Enterprise, alone on his hulk of a vessel, his initially refused to leave, claiming to have never lost a command before. He then attempted to order the Enterpriser to attack the Planet Killer, believing in his madness that this time would be different. He was quickly relieved of his position.

History has mixed views on Decker. His career should speak for itself, yet in his final days he engaged an enemy he was hopelessly unprepared to face, got his entire crew killed, and almost lost a second ship in the process.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick