10 Worst Ever First Officers In Star Trek

1. Maxwell Burke

Christopher Hobson Star Trek TNG next generation redemption
CBS Media Ventures

The first officer aboard the USS Equinox had quite the history. He was, in fact, one of the few serving officers who remembered B'Elanna Torres from the Academy, and when he met up with BLT again, it caused a few ruffled feathers. Thankfully, this was quickly forgotten when he tried to murder everyone.

Burke, along with his captain and the rest of his crew, were stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. Sound familiar? Well, there was a big difference between the Equinox and Voyager - one that has left audiences wondering 'there but for the grace of the Krotonan Guard' for nearly three decades.

The Nova-class ship was ill-equipped for a deep space mission, and was quickly and badly damaged in conflict. Burke, along with Captain Rudy Ransom, stumbled on the discovery that the bodies of Nucleogenic aliens could be converted into fuel - even if it killed them. He became the biggest champion of this dark project, even staging a mutiny when Ransom - belatedly - changed his heart and decided to find another way home. 

Burke first tried to take control of the Equinox. Then, when the ship was too badly damaged to continue, attempted to run to the shuttle bay with several other crewmembers - all of whom were dispatched by the vengeful aliens. History is not going to remember him for his contributions to diplomacy, that's for sure.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick