10 Worst Ever First Officers In Star Trek

8. Michael Burnham

Christopher Hobson Star Trek TNG next generation redemption
CBS Media Ventures

As commander of the Discovery, Michael Burnham proved time and time again that she was a skilled Starfleet officer, one deserving of the rank. She was well on the way to showcasing this when the ship and her crew were flung into the 32nd Century, so let us be clear that Burnham is and remains one of Starfleet's best and brightest. 

And let's be honest, who hasn't staged a mutiny against a long-time friend and commander, from time to time? 

Yes, here it is again. The mutiny aboard the Shenzhou. While we believe the matter of whether she 'started the war with the Klingons' has been put to bed (she didn't, just to be clear), the chain of command aboard a starship is critical, particularly in a crisis situation. There is certainly a strong argument against Georgiou's actions that day - had she simply listened to Burnham, perhaps much of the bloodshed could have been avoided - but Burnham's haste to take charge only served to confuse and delay any concerted effort to deal with the Klingon threat. 

She incapacitated her captain in a crisis situation, then attempted to take control, only for Saru to immediately see through her. This wasn't Burnham's finest hour, and as the court martial decided, displayed that at this point in her career, she wasn't ready for the number one seat.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick