10 Worst Ever First Officers In Star Trek

6. Sylvia Tilly

Christopher Hobson Star Trek TNG next generation redemption
CBS Media Ventures

Sylia Tilly excelled in many roles throughout her time aboard the USS Discovery. She quickly established herself as someone the crew could connect with, something that is crucial in running a ship. However, and we are making some very big allowances for situation here, her time as first officer was not the brightest chapter in the ship's admittedly LONG history.

In the short time that she is in the second biggest role on board, the ship is quickly overtaken by Osyrra and her cadre. As we said, there are extenuating circumstances here, but the sheer unlucky timing of it all stands against Tilly. 

However, from this, Tilly moved from the command path to training. As an instructor at the Academy, Tilly clearly found her true calling. With Star Trek: Starfleet Academy due to begin airing in 2025, and the closing moments of Discovery's fifth season confirming that Professor Tilly had the longest tenure in Starfleet history, it seems almost certain that we will see her back in the role that suits her best. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick