10 Worst Injuries Star Trek Characters Actually Survived

2. Spock Loses A Brain

Patrick Stewart Star Trek

This has always been one of the more ludicrous things that has happened to Spock and, considering this Vulcan has literally died and come back to life, that is really saying something. During the third season opener of Star Trek, his brain is harvested by the Eymorgs, who intend to use it to substitute for their great 'Teacher' - a supercomputer who runs their world.

And that's almost it. Spock's brain is nicked and brought to their planet, then the Enterprise chases them. Thanks to the Teacher, his brain is able to be reattached. Thanks to Leonard Nimoy's contract, Spock is able to survive this bizarre set of events.

Dr. McCoy conducts the reattachment of the organ, even though this barely makes the top ten list of weirdest procedures he's taken part in. What does make it slightly stranger is that a very-awake Spock helps to talk him through it.

Spock's Brain is a truly unique episode, which no one could truly call 'good', but it really is so extraordinarily weird that it has never been forgotten by the fans.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick