10 Worst Netflix Shows EVERYONE Should Avoid

7. Insatiable

real rob netflix

If you want to picture Insatiable in your mind, just take every fatphobic, homophobic, and racist joke you've ever had lobbed at yourself or someone you know who happens to fit into one of those three crosshairs, and wrap them all up in one of the most mean spirited narratives you've ever seen in your god damn life, and you'd be about halfway there.

The show doesn't even have the common friggin courtesy of making its blatantly fatphobic jokes anywhere close to funny or original. Instead centering around a main heroine named Patty who, after getting punched by a hobo who tries to steal one of her many candy bars (insert eye roll here), has to have her jaw wired shut for several months. This somehow results in her becoming hot as hell, and the envy of all her classmates. She then proceeds to plot her violent revenge against everyone who made fun of her.

Besides not being funny, the show is one of the most mean spirited things you'll ever lay your eyes on. It's an embarrassment to everyone involved, but then if anyone on this project understood shame, they wouldn't have even been a part of this stinker.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?