10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

7. Visionary - Deep Space Nine

star trek zero consequences

So apparently in Star Trek if you get hit with a certain type of radiation enough, you'll start to jump back and forth from the future. This is literally what happened to Miles O'Brien in the episode Visionary.

And of course this happened at the most convenient time possible. O'Brien was able to prevent his own death, the destruction of Deep Space Nine, and the closing of the Bajoran wormhole at the hands of the Romulans. It was already unlikely enough that he'd get this time jump superpower, but giving it to him at literally the perfect moment just makes this story so unbelievable.

Visionary tried way too hard to be an epic, action-packed thriller of an episode, but the whole time-jumping idea falls apart the more you think about it, and just ends up feeling kind of silly. The story could've been improved by explaining the source of the time jumps a little better or by lowering the stakes slightly to make it a bit more realistic.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.