10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

6. We'll Always Have Paris - The Next Generation

star trek zero consequences

The production of The Next Generation was hampered by a writer's strike while We'll Always Have Paris was being made, and unfortunately you can tell that the script was rushed.

The story is pretty generic. A mad scientist conducting illegal experiments with time ended up creating a bunch of weird, trippy visual effects. There was also a lame B-plot about Picard's former lover Janice, who was now the wife of the crazy time scientist. The chemistry between the two of them left a lot to be desired and their romance ended up feeling forced and unnatural. The romantic subplot in this episode basically just existed to fill time in between trippy time distortions.

All in all, We'll Always Have Paris is a mid-tier Next Generation episode with some okay special effects (for the time), but nothing special from a narrative standpoint, and definitely one of the least inspired time travel related episodes.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.