10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

2. Firstborn - The Next Generation

star trek zero consequences

Here's a hypothetical question for you: if your father was assassinated and you could travel back in time to prevent it, would you simply go back and warn him, or would you disguise yourself as a family friend to convince your younger self to become a skilled warrior so that you could eventually have the slight chance of saving him from his attackers?

Well, in the episode Firstborn, Alexander Rozhenko, Worf's son, met a mysterious Klingon named K'mtar who began aggressively trying to force Alexander into the warrior life. Eventually K'mtar was revealed to be Alexander from the future. Indeed, he thought it was smarter to trick himself into becoming a warrior sooner, in the hopes that he could one day prevent his fathers death, instead of just telling him about the future assassination up front.

The only apparent benefit of disguising himself was to stage a fake assassination attempt on Worf and his younger self, which he used as a way to get them to realise the threats they faced, and to frame the House of Duras. Still though, even if he wanted himself to follow the warrior path sooner, he could've just told them that and saved himself a lot of unnecessary drama.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.