10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

3. Fury - Voyager

star trek zero consequences

Kes literally left Voyager with a bang in The Gift, launching the ship thousands of lightyears through space, far outside of Borg space. Ever since, fans were hoping she would return to show off more of her newly-learned psychic abilities. When she finally did return to Voyager in the episode Fury, the writers took her character in a radically different direction.

Kes became enraged at Janeway and the crew for leaving her alone in space too soon. She barged aboard the ship, killed B'Elanna, and extracted power from the warp core to travel back in time and convince her younger self to leave the Voyager crew behind and return to Ocampa. After Janeway was forced to kill the older Kes, the younger one recorded a message for her future self. When Kes returned again years later, simply watching this message of her younger self telling her to take a chill-pill was enough to calm her murderous rage.

The episode really failed to give Kes a satisfying conclusion and has too many logical paradoxes in it to count, but worst of all, like most awful time travel episodes, all of the negative consequences of Fury were undone in the end, and Kes took off on her own again, setting course for Ocampa.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.