10 Worst Things Eric Cartman Has Ever Done

9. Falsely Accusing His Mother of Molestation

south park The Death Of Eric Cartman
Comedy Central

This is a recurring theme in the South Park series. Cartman utilises this excuse on multiple occasions to get what he wants. As a textbook manipulator - despite being no older than ten - he knows exactly who and what to exploit to get out of trouble. But, the worst thing about it is how he never comprehends how inappropriate this behaviour is.

Two specific examples include the episodes HumancentiPad and The Wacky Molestation Adventure. In the first chapter listed here, Cartman incessantly tortures his mother with dramatic claims of abuse for not buying him an iPad. Eventually, this escalates to him claiming that his mother repeatedly "F***s him" in public and he even goes onto Dr Phil to discuss the matter, making her look like a criminal on national TV.

In the latter episode, Cartman convinces Kyle to get his parents sent away by calling the police and telling them that they molested him. Eventually, every child does this, and we find ourselves in a Children of the Corn type situation where adults are gone. Although Cartman isn't the first to use the method, he is the one who supplies the idea.

Cartman is a genuinely evil manipulator and his lack of compassion or care for how his accusations affect his mother are disdainful.

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