10 Worst Things Eric Cartman Has Ever Done

7. Convincing Butters that the World Has Ended

south park The Death Of Eric Cartman
Comedy Central

Poor Butters, he is one of the biggest victims at the hands of this creature. As an innocent and naïve boy, he is an easy target for Cartman. He even thanks him quite often for the hi-jinks that Eric gets him involved in. But in the episode, Casa Bonita comes one of his worst tricks on Butters.

Kyle announces that for his birthday, his mother is taking him and three friends to Casa Bonita. After celebrating and discussing how it's his favourite place in the world, Kyle reveals that Cartman isn't invited and that he's taking Butters instead. Then a malicious plan ensues to get a spot on the invite list.

Eric tries many times, but Kyle never lets up. Eventually, when he convinces him that he no longer cares, Kyle says that he can take Butters place if he can't make it. Thus Eric gaslights Butters into thinking that an apocalyptic event is coming and locks him in an underground bunker.

This causes a frenzy as the town panic and begins to search for the missing child. Eric is forced to navigate him through the world and continue to convince him that society is dead, to make sure he isn't discovered and he can still keep his spot on the Casa Bonita trip.

The management of this task shows Cartman's creative and managerial potential. It's a shame that he uses such talents for evil purposes.

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