10 Worst Things Eric Cartman Has Ever Done

6. Pretending to Have Tourette's

south park The Death Of Eric Cartman
Comedy Central

There is no subject that South Park hasn't ripped on. But it always approaches it from a place of good research. This episode displays a monstrously cruel act from Eric that again shows how little sympathy or self-awareness he has for those less fortunate than him.

Le Petit Tourette is an episode in which Eric discovers the neurological disorder that gives people uncontrollable ticks, sometimes including blurting slurs. He thus decides to fake having the disease so that he can not only swear all the time but be rewarded for it. This eventually evolves into him going on national television to "raise awareness" for the issue, and use the screen time to shout anti-semitic hate speech.

Although things change and Cartman genuinely develops a problem with his filter, he never really gets punished for his behaviour as it's stopped before he embarrasses himself.

This awful act shows how Cartman treats everything like a game at face value. He doesn't comprehend how his behaviour hurts people because he actively enjoys the process. It's an act that shows the depths of depravity that Cartman is capable of.

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