10 Worst Things Eric Cartman Has Ever Done

5. Trying to Start Another Holocaust

south park The Death Of Eric Cartman
Comedy Central

Quite a step up from his previous antics, this deed begins to reveal the far more evil nature of the character. It becomes clear in this short twenty minutes that Eric is capable of organising some rather frightening rallies, and can even apply his manipulation tactics to an entire group of people rather than just individuals.

The episode - Passion of the Jew - shows us that Eric has become obsessed with Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ and begins to treat Gibson like a saviour of sorts. He prays to a poster of him and says how he intends to bring the message of the film to the masses. This means dressing as Hitler and convincing a group of gullible people to help him begin a "cleansing".

Comparing Cartman to Gibson was a great decision by the creators, as they were able to address the awful things the Mad Max star has said about those of the Jewish faith. These comments are horrifyingly similar to the ramblings of this racist child.

The episode is incredibly dark and shows the toxic and evil behaviour that Cartman is capable of. No other show has a character that could so easily be traded in for the second coming of Hitler.

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