10 Worst Things FOX Did To The Simpsons

4. Overloading The Show With Guest Stars

Apu The Simpsons
20th Century Fox

We all knew this summer is coming at some point. The overloading and underusing of guest stars has been a problem for The Simpsons for well over a decade. Rather than rectify the problem though, it’s consistently gotten worse.

Recently, it’s gotten to the point where big name stars like Gal Gadot are brought in for a handful of lines. Said episode, Bart’s Not Dead, already featured Emily Deschanel, Jonathan Groff and two guest characters voiced by the regular cast.

Gadot’s fellow Justice Leaguer Jason Momoa also had a 20 second appearance in the most recent season. Answers on a postcard please if you know why.

The cynical answer is the guest stars make for a good adverts. But for a show like The Simpsons, you have to think that getting people to tune in is not an issue. Yes, it’s not the Golden Era anymore, but at the same time everyone knows what they're getting with The Simpsons. The celebrity guest isn’t going to rake in viewers.

While the bit part celebrities feel pointless, what’s a lot worse is when they build a whole episode around them. Elon Musk and Lady Gaga both receive this treatment, and both episodes are notoriously two of the worst in the show's history.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)