10 Worst Things FOX Did To The Simpsons

3. Rupert Murdoch’s Cameo

Apu The Simpsons

Ask any Simpsons fan who the worst guest star was, and they’ll probably say Lady Gaga. Her bad appearance has been so overhyped, but if you watch it now you may think it’s actually not that terrible, and as a result there are a few ahead of her in the ‘worst’ queue.

In terms of Fox’s culpability though, the Rupert Murdoch appearance has to be the worst one to date.

At least with Lady Gaga, they’re indulging a huge celebrity - an eccentric one at that, with plenty of cultural references to spoof. With Elon Musk meanwhile, it was clearly a passion project. The Simpsons writers came off as fanboys, and while it didn’t make for a great episode you can at least imagine they had fun with it. With Rupert Murdoch not so much.

Indeed, it’s difficult to imagine anyone having fun with the newspaper baron, but his Simpsons appearance was on another level.

Appearing in a guest star heavy Super Bowl episode, Murdoch parodied himself, but with absolutely no mirth or self awareness. It felt very much like the boss inviting himself to a work’s night out, then getting out the spreadsheets.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)