10 Worst Things Krusty The Clown Has Ever Done

7. He Let Kamp Krusty Become A Labour Camp

The Simpsons Bart Barney

Episode: "Kamp Krusty" (Season 4, Episode 1)

"Kamp Krusty" is a legendary staple from the Golden Age of The Simpsons, where Bart and Lisa visit Kamp Krusty, a summer camp established by Krusty with all the (lack of) attention paid to a quality customer experience you'd expect from the clown.

You see, Krusty licensed out his brand to the shady Mr. Black, whose cost-cutting quickly caused the seemingly idyllic camp to fall into disrepute, defined by poorly-crafted cabins, Krusty-branded gruel for food, and Dolph, Jimbo and Kearney acting as power-drunk counsellors who take the kids on death marches and exploit them for hard labour.

Like a lot of Krusty's most shambolic failures, it's ultimately his negligence rather than his outright malevolence at play here.

Though Krusty does eventually show up at the camp - after Barney Gumble was first sent to impersonate him - his "apology" to the poor kids is to take them to "the happiest place on earth" for two weeks: Tijuana, Mexico. Yikes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.