10 Worst TV Villains Of The Last 10 Years

8. Damon Pope - Sons Of Anarchy

Euron Game of Thrones

A show that started promisingly quickly lost its way, Sons Of Anarchy kept its finest villains in its main cast. Clay Morrow and Gemma Teller Morrow, stepfather and mother of dull protagonist Jax Teller, were always the show’s endgame, and everything else felt like a short term story.

This could be great - witness season two’s thrill ride of bikers vs white supremacists - but it could also fall totally flat. One of the least interesting, and most predictably briefly tenured, antagonists was Damon Pope.

Pope falls into so many traps of the badly written episodic drama bad guy. He was supposedly the most powerful gangster in the region, despite never being mentioned before. He masqueraded as a legitimate businessman while carrying out his heinous crimes in an amazingly cliched fashion. He was presented as The Greatest Threat Our Heroes Have Ever Faced, before conveniently being dispatched at the end of the season.

Sons Of Anarchy could frequently be found killing time before they got to the serious plot at the show’s heart, and Pope was its least interesting diversion to date. He was also played by the immensely likeable Harold Perrineau, who’s just too hard to root against.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)