100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

50. The Green Death - Jo€™s Goodbye

d3-3t-c963 Companion exits in the classic series are always tinged with sadness but on many occasions the series would avoid dwelling on that aspect and on other occasions ignore it completely. However the departure of Jo Grant is especially tinged with sadness for multiple reasons. Jo had very much been the Doctor€™s best friend for much of his time on Earth, in addition she was one of his longest serving companions and in some ways the Doctor took the fact she would stay with him for granted almost like a father would. His disappointment is largely felt when she says no. Jo quietly says her goodbyes to the Doctor asking him to make sure he comes back sometimes; secretly knowing she€™ll probably never see him again. A fact that hits home when she turns around to see the door closing and no Doctor. But the saddest moment is the Doctor pausing for a second and looking in the distance before firing up the car Bessie. Then comes one of the most beautiful shots in the history of the series, as the Doctor is seen driving off in silhouette against the sunset. It€™s a moment that shows that the show has always had a deep heart€ or hearts and that sometimes, they get broken.

49. Evolution of the Daleks - Dalek and Soloman

d10-9h-016 'Daleks in Manhattan' and 'Evolution of the Daleks' is never really near the top of anyone€™s favourite lists and as I recall, was looked upon very poorly at the time. I don€™t know how much of that was due to the cliffhanger being blown by the human Dalek Sec taking centre stage on the Radio Times cover the week the first part aired. In retrospect it€™s not all that bad challenging the values of the Daleks, most notably their purity, but also Daleks look worryingly at home in the sewers. However when they come to the surface to pretty much wipe out the residents of Hooverville, their leader Soloman tells his people to put down their arms, and pleads with the Daleks to show mercy and even offers them an alliance. The Doctor doesn€™t try to stop him, because he believes that Soloman has spoken so elegantly, there may just be a chance. The Dalek€™s answer echoed that which they offered their creator at the very beginning. Exterminate! Daleks have no understanding of compassion.

48. Planet of the Spiders - The Doctor€™s Fear

d3-3z-c002 The Third Doctor was undoubtedly the scientist, the boffin out of the Doctors. He was always seeking new wonders and knowledge, craving it more because he was trapped on Earth for most of his time. His last adventure is an interesting tale of morality, where his greed for knowledge became his downfall. This allows the Great One to bend him to her own will and use him like a puppet to destroy his pride and make him fear her. The greed of the Great One mimics the Doctor€™s own. But what does the Doctor fear, it€™s not Spiders that€™s for sure, is it the loss of control of not only his own body, but the whole situation, the fact a being of such power can if it so chooses use the Doctor as a play thing, the lack of a choice and what his actions could ultimately result in? I€™m not sure the Doctor even knows, it€™s somewhat irrational. The final test for the Third Doctor is to face that fear and overcome it, even at the cost of his life.

47. A Good Man Goes to War - The Doctor Takes Demon€™s Run

d11-11h-047 'A Good Man Goes to War' is a good marker to see how far the Doctor has come, a factor that Steven Moffat wanted to acknowledge in series 6. In the old days he would keep to the shadows and generally be a lot more discreet. However since 2005 he has been generally a lot louder and bolder which has undoubtedly become noticed. When the Anglican Marines gather their forces at Demon€™s Run, the Doctor himself must build an army. When Colonel Manton gathers his troops for a pep talk, he presents their new allies the Headless Monks and shows his men exactly why they are called headless. Only who does he find under one of the hoods? You guessed it! Within a matter of minutes Demon€™s Run is under the Doctor€™s control. The atmosphere of triumph and pride, soon becomes a tragedy as the Doctor puts the people he has saved before on the front line in his name, but for a brief moment we see the Doctor at his highest when he pulls out all the stops.

46. The Impossible Astronaut - The Doctor€™s Death

d11-11b-018 There was a lot of hype surrounding who would die in the first episode of Series 6 and in retrospect it could only be one person. The only man so complicated that he could die and still come back minutes later. It€™s a very bold thing for the series to do, at least in this way. But it€™s so enigmatic. The Doctor takes his friends for a picnic no less, only to be rudely interrupted by an Apollo Astronaut rising from the lake. The Doctor, mournful tells his friends not to interfere. The Doctor goes to talk to the Astronaut only for him to hold out his hand and shoot him down. The Doctor begins to regenerate before receiving a second shot that kills him stone dead. Having his trump card crushed like that is something that has never been done before and feels so hopeless. Just to finalise it all, when the older Canton Everett Delaware III shows up with a tank of gasoline, they hold a crude Viking burial. The Doctor is dead and we almost believe it.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.