100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

65. The Leisure Hive - Doctor Gets Old

d4-5n-086 In 1981, Doctor Who was more or less re-launched. It was all change in most respects and the style of the show was very different. Some might say garish, others might say bold. One of the most successful moves made by the production team takes place at the end of the second episode of 'The Leisure Hive', the Doctor is aged 500 years by the Tachyon Generator. He basically becomes a withered old man. The shock value of this is tremendous as truly nothing like this has been seen before and would be repeated in The Sound of Drums. The moment itself is brilliant but Tom Baker€™s performance throughout the next couple of episodes is superb. You can genuinely believe that the Doctor will be old forever.

64. The Doctor Dances - Everybody Lives

d9-8k-006 Dark and pessimistic moments aren€™t difficult to find in Doctor Who, especially in the Ninth Doctor€™s time. But triumphant moments are few and far between. However this moment cannot fail to make you want to punch the air. Having had all of humanity risked by being converted into gas mask people, seemingly as irretrievable as those who become Cybermen. Imagine the delight that the Doctor has that he can save everyone that has suffered already. For once in the Doctor€™s words, €˜Everybody lives!€™. He can€™t be that lucky all the time, but just once is enough to fill him with joy.

63. The Pandorica Opens €“ The Cliffhanger

d11-10x-040 The last 5 minutes of this episode are so loaded it€™s going to be difficult to condense it down. More or less every enemy the Doctor has faced and even some he hasn€™t met yet, are joined together in one room for one purpose, to imprison the Doctor. Having them all there is incredible enough, but seeing the Doctor dragged kicking and screaming helplessly into the Pandorica is strangely beautiful, with an atmosphere of victory for his gaolers. Meanwhile on the surface, Rory it turns out is an Auton and it turns out he has accidentally killed his wife after struggling with the Nestene control. Beyond that, the universe has ended. I don€™t think any cliffhanger has ever been so pessimistic. It€™s too bad that the following week the Doctor€™s captors have all turned to stone.

62. Ressurrection of the Daleks - The Doctor Executes Davros

d5-6p-198 Having been tasked with destroying the Daleks at their birth years earlier, the Doctor clearly regrets his decision as he picks up a gun and explains that he has to kill Davros before he can save the ailing Daleks. He says as much to Davros as he faces him. Having given Davros a chance to prove he has changed, he has to inform him that he is his executioner and the guard hands the Doctor the gun and the Doctor points it at Davros€™ head. €˜Do I have the right?€™ seems a long way away now. Ultimately the Doctor can€™t bring himself to do it, but for a moment you can believe he just might. In a story that contains so much death, it almost infects the Doctor. If it hadn€™t been the Doctor pointing the gun, Davros would be dead.

61. 42 - Burn With Me

d10-9k-c426 The revived series seems to shy away from having the Doctor become possessed. The first instance since the series return is in '42', where the Doctor is taken over by a sentient sun. Having seen the effects it has on the other members of the crew of the mining ship the TARDIS lands aboard, the peril is clear. David Tennant delivers such a powerful performance it€™s exhausting. He is effectively burning up on the inside, he gets frozen and ultimately becomes almost completely consumed but boy does it put up a fight. It has to be seen to feel the intensity. Just make sure you have a drink on hand with lots of ice.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.