100 Reasons Why Lost is The Greatest TV Show Of All Time

70. Jack Says €˜We Have To Go Back€™

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb1kidLw3SU Another great example of Lost€™s ability to raise the stakes. Sending them careering towards their newly found 2010 finale date and asking loads of questions, like how they got off the Island, why Jack wants to go back, it€™s just brilliant television and a brilliant twist.

69. Sayid and Nadia

A relationship which mellowed out but one that was important in giving aggressive torturer Sayid a human side, proof that all men inside are big softies. Their chemistry on screen was always enthralling and a relationship that maintained its interest until the ending of their screen time together; where it seemed right that they weren€™t together in the end. As they were never really together in life.

68. Desmond Meets Penny

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_zGTwVg7DY After all the flashbacks, all the talk, seeing Desmond and Penny first meet was a lovely moment given to us. Even more so than that, the talk of paths, destiny and purpose are all touching sentiments between the two characters who you can tell, from this scene on, are meant to be together.

67. S1E20: Do No Harm

One of the more emotional episodes of the first series, this episode pushes expectations by killing off one of the shows major characters; relatively early in a series€™ run. This episode crosses so many human emotions; hope and burgeoning love with Sayid and Shannon, despair as Jack fails and the loss of faith shown by Locke as, what he perceives to be his destiny, betrays him; Claire€™s acceptance of her baby and her love for it when it€™s put in her arms. The enigmatic ending also shows how perfect the writers€™ judgement is; as the first series started to plod again, the hatch light turning on sent people€™s imaginations racing as well as rewarding John€™s faith in his hour of need; giving inclinations in to what the show might just be about.

66. Elizabeth Mitchell

One of the very few additional characters who integrated seamlessly into the cast, Juliet Burke was fascinating, helped no end by the very talented actress who portrayed her. Elizabeth Mitchell never gave too much away; always masking Juliette€™s emotions behind a stony faced pragmatism that slowly broke down longer the show progressed. Never betraying her emotions and always having a question mark raised over where her loyalties lay, Mitchell kept Juliet interesting and likeable behind a wall of protection; until of course it came crashing down in the emotional conclusion to her character.

65. The Scripts

Lost couldn€™t have gotten away with half of what it tried to if the scripts weren€™t beautifully written. They never over played any of their points; giving audiences freedom to interpret and structured the shows and overall series in ways which best induced excitement. The gentle drops of humour coupled with the shows quotability helped make it a more enduring and enjoyable series.

64. Hurley Remembers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWiQ6kP2xq0 Enjoyable to see because of Hurley and Libby being reunited; but this moment is a huge one in the implications for the rest of Season 6, as the first character to being showed remembering it asked a lot of questions and only drove you further towards the finale... Also it€™s Hurley. Everybody loves Hugo.

63. S3E21: Greatest Hits

Oh, Charlie. This is a real tear jerker episode that brilliantly brings together all the strings of Charlie€™s personality. The love of his band, his desire to be respectable, his desire to protect people and make his family proud...and of course, his love of Claire. Told brilliantly in 5 flashbacks we really get to know Charlie in this episode and understand why he seems to embrace the possibility of death; because it helps to protect those he loves. Which is all Charlie has ever wanted; and this episode is a brilliant swansong of one of the most beloved character in the world of Lost.

62. Jin Kwon

Jin was a controversial figure as the season began; labelled as a terrible husband and general hate figure, audiences didn€™t respond to him too well. As ever though with Lost, he evolved, the more you learned about his back story the more you understood the desperate love he had for his wife and how that being misrepresented was destroying him. His passion for his wife and layers of different goals, to be honourable, to earn respect, to take care of his wife, to show how he loved her, all of this kept interesting long after Sun started to bore us.

61. Jack and Christian

Daddy issues is a well trodden angle in every medium of entertainment; so much so that the first episode that outwardly deals with it is called €˜All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues€™, an in joke on the cliché of the story arch. However the relationship between these two characters was never poorly dealt with and helped give major justification to Jack€™s drive and character. The battling, the emotion and their conclusion were all mesmerising features of one of the bet relationships in the show.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.