11 Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In Game Of Thrones

9. Missing Skylights


Some dodgy CGI in the first season means that skylights previously seen in Tyrion€™s sky cell (quite why there needs to be skylights when the entirety of one wall is exposed to the elements anyway, we don'€™t really understand€) vanish completely when a wider shot is given.

If something is visible in the actual shot it also needs to be visible in the CGI rendering of it. This was probably a genuine mistake but it'€™s something that fans have picked upon on anyway. The long shot reveals that even if the skylights had been left in there is no possible way that light can shine through them given the position of the sun and the fact that Tyrion's cell isn't near the far wall.

And yet the closer shot of Tyrion reveals that yes, light is shining through them. The impending long winter must be playing havoc with the weather. The only way to make this one better is to employ somebody much more scrupulous to work in the editing department.


English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.