11 Awesome Netflix TV Shows (That Aren't Available In The UK)

2. Parks And Recreation

With the unassuming yet highly talented ensemble cast they have at their disposal, it would have been hard for Greg Daniels and Michael Schur to mess Parks and Recreation up. Amy Poehler takes the lead as Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the parks department of the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana whose life becomes slightly more complicated when a local nurse demands that a construction pit beside her house be filled in after her boyfriend falls in and breaks both of his legs. Shot in what has become known as The Office Style, this mock-documentary doesn€™t stand up to the original Office, but could go a few rounds with the American version. Despite a rocky start that saw the show panned before the premier even aired after a report detailing the largely negative response from focus groups chosen to judge the pilot, Parks and Rec held its ground. The show€™s 24 episode second season, which followed a lukewarmly received half dozen episodes in season one, was described by New York magazine as €œprobably the most impressive comeback in the history of broadcast comedy.€ The first five seasons are available to US viewers, with more set to follow.
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Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.