11 Awesome TV Characters That Keep Getting Unfairly Sidelined

5. Winston - New Girl

If you watch the show, you'll know that Winston is an awesome character and his hilarity within the show soared notably towards the end of season two and continued throughout season three. However, that's as far as his character goes; the writers don't give him much to do and he is often left to be on the sideline during scenes between Nick and Jess or ones that expand Schmidt's relevance in the story. Though, more recently, he has been written as a character who is the wingman of Coach and together they get sidelined equally. The writers put a lot of effort into elaborating the romance between Nick and Jess and the healing of Schmidt's and Cece's relationship, though when it comes to Winston the writers don't go further than making him into the socially-inept, wired one who is slightly out of touch with reality. It's a shame, really. He is undeniably one of the more funnier characters and while he has had storylines on the basis of cat-obsessions and life-crises, he has never had a real grounding within the show.

Kelly Scanlon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.