11 Best New TV Series Of 2013

4. Utopia (Channel 4, January 15th €“ February 19th)

utopia Utopia, the series helmed by Dennis Kelly, was an absolute revelation for me as a TV viewer. Never before had I seen such lush shots and such engrossing, stark story-telling. In a mere six episodes the series follows a handful of disparate characters whom get their hands on a sequel to a groundbreaking underground graphic novel which lands them in the middle of a terrifying global conspiracy. One of the best parts of this show (and there are SO many) is that the conspiracy is so enthralling once it's eventually revealed because it is rooted in very real concerns and presented with such frank honesty that even the protagonists have trouble summoning the will to continue fighting it. To say anything more would risk major spoilers so suffice to say that a simple description of the show's premise cannot possibly do justice to the monumentally effective tone of unnerving dread and urgency brought to life by truly original writing, powerful acting, and unforgettable direction. The best taste that can be offered is the first episode's opening scene, the promise of which the series more than fulfills. This is not an average series €“ conspiracy-thriller or otherwise €“ and I can't imagine how the next installment can possibly top it.

Fed a steady diet of cartoons, comics, tv and movies as a child, Joe now survives on nothing but endless film and television series, animated or otherwise, as well as novels of the graphic and literary varieties. He can also be seen ingesting copious amounts of sarcasm and absurdity.