11 Major Things To Expect From Fortitude Season 2

8. Might There Be More Than Just The Wasps?

Fortitude Yuri
Sky Atlantic

Despite how tightly the show tied up the theory of the wasps - including the oddly off-tempo pathology sequences - some fans haven't been entirely convinced that the wasps were the whole story.

Yes, it would take a massive coincident for the same thing to happen twice, thanks to the very specific contextual elements (as Donald explained), but shouldn't someone be exploring why those conditions happened? It's rare that coincidence should ever be allowed to go unquestioned. 

And as Donald tantalising teased in an interview after the finale aired, there could be more:

"We haven’t yet understood completely the whole story of what has happened... There is another ingredient we’ve already seen which is going to feature in the second series."

So what is that hidden element? Could it be the same stimulus for all the dead mammoths in one place? An ancient localised curse older than prehistoric times? Or does it have something to do with smearing jam on your face?

Or perhaps the answer is going to be in infected animals. That would fit the suggestion of things "we've already seen", and it would be a new approach to a zombie-like show.

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