11 Major Things To Expect From Fortitude Season 2

6. Yuri's Fate

Fortitude Yuri
Sky Atlantic

It would be fairly reasonable to suggest that Yuri is a goner. Last he was seen, he was stuck in a hole literally of his own making surrounded by disappointing dead mammoth treasure, which might or might not be infected, turning him into a one man incubator without a hope of passing on his vomit.

But stranger things have happened, and harder things have been survived in this curious frozen world. Dr Allerdyce didn't die immediately after all, Elena is still sort of alive and an explosion that managed to kill the wasps and Vincent's presumed infection didn't kill him, despite the force being enough to blow Dan off his feet. 

That might just be bad science, but it might also be an indication of some other force in play - which, again, might explain why some people weren't infected by the leaky mammoth.

Anyway, Yuri might actually get out. Perhaps the infection will adapt and make him capable of superhuman feats (it's reacted differently to different hosts). If you think logic would get in the way, you clearly didn't watch season one.

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