11 Major Things To Expect From Fortitude Season 2

5. Expect New Characters

Fortitude Yuri
Sky Atlantic

As Donald Simon so succinctly told The Radio Times, the show has "lost a lot of fairly central characters to the horror that’s been plaguing Fortitude." That's under-statement given the body count.

Instead of concentrating solely on the survivors, Fortitude will restock though, adding supplementary characters including some Fortitude residents who simply haven't appeared yet, and some new incomers. Presumably, if they're new buyers, nobody told them about the wasp problem.

Expect the show to cast its net out to more Scandinavian dramas and Doctor Who - both of which arenas provided a significant proportion of the cast. Might they cast someone "big" to replace Stanley Tucci? Possibly, but it's not entirely necessary, even if a grumpy outside investigator is always a nice element for these shows.

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