11 Mind-Blowing TV Long Takes

10. Daredevil - Escape From Prison

Game of Thrones Battle of the Bastards 1280 x 720

Following the first season, Netflix's Daredevil attempted to one-up its corridor sequence each time it returned to screens.

Season two, for instance, concentrates on Murdock defending a wounded Punisher through a brutal clash down apartment hallways and stairwells.

The season three example shows the demasked hero battle through a prison, smooth-talk his way past some burly gangsters, and make it outside safe and sound (yet not quite unscathed). A much longer and ambitious shot, the scene smoothly transitions between Charlie Cox and his stunt-double whilst they fend off prisoners and corrupt guards alike.

The sequence has everything you could want from an explosive long take. The hits are brutal, the varied locations and lighting are put to excellent use, and the showrunners even managed to squeeze in some vital story elements midway.

Could another Daredevil oner appear in Cox's rumoured return to Marvel in Spider-Man: No Way Home? Fans sure hope so.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.