11 Netflix Marvel Performances The MCU Needs To Save

9. Micro (Ebon Moss-Bachrach)

Jon Bernthal Punisher

In the opinion of many, the first season of The Punisher was a lot tighter and just generally better than the second. It also heavily featured the character of David Lieberman, aka Micro, who served as something of a show-stealer for the whole series.

Frank Castle's in-house surveillance tech guy was the opposite to The Punisher in every respect. He was a soft-hearted pacifist who didn't do a great job of bottling in his problems. Through a wild course of emotional events, he and Castle became the best of buds, which was a dynamic greatly missed in the second series.

The performance by Ebon Moss-Bachrach was great and even though there isn't a lot for Micro to do without Frank Castle in the driver's seat, it still seems a shame for this character to go MIA. Mirco exposed the gritter side of government intelligence and hidden conspiracies, which still has its place the in MCU, especially in the future Falcon/Winter Soldier side of things.

It won't happen. But it would be cool if it did.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net