11 Questions All Fans Of Bates Motel Are Asking

2. How Come Dylan Is So Normal?

Dylan is a rather beautiful human considering his origins, by which case, you're wondering if he has webbed feet or something. He is caring, intelligent and his use of street smarts make him the kind of guy that you'd want around in a crisis. His strained relationship with Norma was explained by the shocking revelation of who his father is and you're sort of on Team Norma for that one so her irrational, psychotic hatred towards him has been forgotten about and forgiven. You thought he might have just been a difficult child but when you realised that he is a product of an unwanted, incestuous relationship and upon the revelation, you can't help but wonder if he took things a little too well.
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Bates Motel
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com