12 Best Justice League Episodes

9. Hereafter

Justice League Thumbnail
Warner Bros.

A shocking and well-done two-parter in the original Justice League series, Hereafter presents the idea of a world without Superman, where the Man of Steel seemingly perishes in a battle against a group of villains, when Toyman shoots him with a disintegrator beam.

The first episode deals with the world attempting to move on, reminiscing fondly on their time together then trying to find suitable replacements for him on their roster. Out of the entire League, the only one who doesn't believe Superman is gone is Batman, who attempts to discover where Superman was sent to.

It's only at the end of the first episode that the audience sees that Superman was sent to the future, a broken Earth and red sun preventing him from using his powers. Using his wit, human strength, and survival skills, he's able to find the one person left on Earth- Vandal Savage - who's eager to help Superman save the world from the calamity that destroyed it.

It's an enjoyable, touching story that shows Superman's best traits and power beyond being "super", bringing a seemingly dead superhero back without it feeling cheap or unearned. Also, it's got Superman with a beard. Worth watching just for that.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com || hinaypod.com