12 Best Supporting Characters In The Buffyverse

11. Daniel "Oz" Osbourne

oz Oz (Seth Green) was by far the coolest character in the Buffyverse. He plays guitar in the popular band 'Dingoes Ate My Baby' and comes to prominence when he's playing at the Scoobies' favourite haunt - The Bronze - and notices Willow in her Eskimo fancy dress outfit. He becomes Willow's boyfriend but eventually breaks her heart because, after learning that he is a werewolf, he chooses to leave Sunnydale in order to learn to control his lycan instincts. When he returned, Willow had come out as gay and chooses Tara over him, prompting him to leave again for good. He made another individual appearance in Angel, delivering the Gem of Amarra to Angel and playing a key role in that particular plot, but was never seen again. Oz is extremely intelligent but his laid-back approach to work meant he had to repeat certain school years (he was older than the Scoobies, but ended up in some of their classes). His detached, ironic approach to life, masking a deeply philosophical interior and a very devoted, gentle nature, is very likeable and that's why he makes the list.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.