12 Darkest South Park Moments Ever

7. Linda Stotch Plots Murder-Suicide

South Park Indiana Jones
Comedy Central

Butter's Very Own Episode (Season 5, Episode 14)

When she discovers that her husband visits gay bath houses, Linda Stotch plans to kill herself and her son Butters. She drives him to the dock. Jingle Bell Rock on the stereo and Butters jabbering about finger painting give the scene an eerie tone.

Linda explains "if a mommy has to end her life, she can’t leave her baby alone in the world to be raised by a sick pervert". She tells him to stay in the car with his seatbelt fastened, before taking the handbrake off, exiting, and watching the car roll into the lake.

Linda composes a suicide note lambasting her husband with a noose hanging behind her. Mr. Stotch blames the internet for his perversion and declares he loves Linda despite the bath house visits. The two decide to cover up Butters’ death and blame "some Puerto Rican guy". Stone and Parker use this as an opportunity to mock The Ramseys and O.J. Simpson who attach themselves to the "some Puerto Rican guy" excuse to distract their own critics.

Butters’ return is one of the few times his home is shown to be anything approaching affectionate. However, he learns the horrible truth when his parents confess all at a press conference.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.