12 Darkest Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Moments

10. Garak Tortures Odo - The Die Is Cast

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Odo

If there is any one thing that separates Deep Space Nine from its peers within the franchise, it's that it's nowhere near as optimistic about people as other Trek shows.

Garak is one of the more interesting characters on the show, as everyone kinda KNOWS he used to be a spy, spending his days eeking out a living as a tailor on the promenade, sharing smiles and lunches with Dr Bashir.

But of course, that doesn't mean Garak isn't capable of horrible things. As seen in The Die Is Cast.

Long story short, Garak's old bosses - The Obsidian Order - wish to welcome him back into the fold, which of course means the chance for him to finally return home, something Garak wants more than anything. The catch? He must torture Odo for information on the Dominion. Despite knowing that Odo has already confessed everything he knows so torture would get nothing, Garak's wish to finally return home overrides his morals and he proceeds with the torture.

We get to see Garak turn into a frightened, self loathing person, and the collected, dignified Odo reduced to a shivering, scared child over the course of this episode. This moment gave the audience a much needed reminder that Garak's smile may be genuine, but at the end of it all, he'll choose Cardassia over the federation any day of the week.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?