12 DC Characters Who Were Wasted In The Arrowverse

11. Dr. Alchemy

Arrowverse Characters
The CW

The beginning of The Flash's third season was mainly concerned with the Flashpoint storyline, but we were quickly treated to hints that the big bad for the season was going to be long-time Flash villain, Dr. Alchemy. This was an interesting prospect ,as it marked the first time that the main villain of the season wouldn't be a speedster. The idea that one of The Flash's regular Rogues could be the big bad was exciting, especially the way he was altered to work in with the Flashpoint storyline. Plus, his weapon of choice was the Philosopher's Stone - and that opens up so many possibilities!

Things continued to get more interesting as we learned that not only was Alchemy actually Barry's new co-worker Julian, but the poor guy was completely unaware of his criminal alter ego, a key aspect of the character in the comics. However, we soon discovered that Julian/Alchemy was just a puppet for Savitar - yet another speedster villain - and Alchemy quickly fell by the wayside.

To say that it was disappointing to see Alchemy supplanted by Savitar is an understatement, no matter what twists were worked into Savitar's identity. But even worse, is the fact that Julian completely disappeared offscreen between seasons after settling in as a member of Team Flash. Perhaps we could use the Philosopher's Stone to transmute a better screen role for our hooded friend.

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Just a socially awkward geek from Down Under who spends most of his time in some fantasy world or another. Usually seen accompanied by a bow tie.