12 Forgotten Hotties From The Buffyverse

2. Nina Ash

Nina Ash Nina Ash was a very attractive young woman living in Los Angeles who was transformed into a Lycanthropus Exterus werewolf after being attacked whilst out on a night jog. For a time, she was also Angel's girlfriend. Appearing in three episodes of the final series - season five - of Angel, she lived with her sister and niece and, following the attack, she noticed that she had heightened senses and was fantasising about eating raw meat - and even fantasised about killing her own niece. Angel and Wesley track Nina to her home and kidnap her in the middle of the night to stop her from killing her family. They keep her in a cell and explain to her that she's now a werewolf. Initially distraught, Nina agrees to check-in with Team Angel once a month to be caged during the full moon. When she returns home, she is kidnapped and taken to a speciality restaurant which serves werewolf on its menu, but she is again saved by Angel. The two take a liking to each other and become involved in a relationship, but it sadly doesn't last. Nina was played by Jenny Mollen - the real life wife of American Pie star Jason Biggs.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.