12 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Are STILL AWOL

8. Salladhor Saan

Salladhor Saan

Last Seen: In season 4 when Ser Davos paid him for transit to Castle Black in the wake of him leaving Stannis Baratheon's service the season before. For some reason, that was the last we saw of him.

He should be a lot cooler in the show - as he was in the book - and frankly, he shouldn't have just been dropped for no reason when it looked like he might be a useful ally to Davos and Jon Snow. Presumably, he's currently still enjoying the company of prostitutes, waiting for his next job.

Could He Return?

When everyone is looking for additions to their armies for the big final fight, you'd think that Saan's access to a fleet of thirty ships might come in handy. So maybe Ser Davos will remember his friend when the Golden Army turns up and sends a raven?


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