12 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Are STILL AWOL

9. Ser Pounce

Ser Pounce Game Of Thrones

Last Seen: Awkwardly watching Margaery Tyrell seduce her child husband-to-be Tommen back in season 4.

After Tommen and Margaery's secret meeting in his bed chambers, Ser Pounce the cat simply dropped off the face of the Earth. He was mostly just there to show how much of a nice lad Tommen was compared to Joffrey (thanks to the anecdote about him threatening to skin the cat), and as soon as that was done, so was he.

But as the rule in Westeros goes, if you're not dead, you're not out of the picture entirely. So we're left wondering who is even looking after him.

Could He Return?

It's possible, but you'd have to wonder why. Ser Pounce's master is dead and as a cat, he probably has little loyalty to anyone else. Perhaps he's taken over his own gang of feral cats as Nimeria has with her wolf pack and plans an assault on Cersei in revenge for Tommen's death...?


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