12 Game Of Thrones Spoilers You'll Know Before The Books

11. Jon Snow's "Death"

Obviously we know that at the end of season 5 Jon Snow looked dead. Despite all of the rumours suggesting otherwise, we're supposed to still believe that he really is, as well, but that really wasn't the case in the books, where it's been suggested he warged himself away in the nick of time. With his status unresolved by the end of A Dance With Dragons, there's a strong suspicion that his "death" isn't as clear cut as it seems. And until someone draws their last breath in full sight and has their head mounted on a spike, trusting the accounts of others has proved foolish so far. The Theory As long as the issue of Snow's patronage remains unresolved, the bastard cannot die. Expect him to get better for the start of season 6 to find out his true parentage and take back Winterfell at least.

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