3. Wonder Woman - Bring On The Night
Back to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Bring on the Night" now. Buffy, Xander and Dawn are led down to the Seal of Danthazar by Andrew (the entrance to the Hellmouth and the place where the First Evil had manipulated him in to killing Jonathan) underneath Sunnydale High School. Whilst there, they cover up the seal and, as they are leaving, the following conversation occurs...
Andrew Wells: "Man, this place gives me the creeps. It's like in Wonder Woman, issue 297/299."
Xander Harris: ""Catacombs"... yeah with the skeletons."
Andrew and Xander simultaneously: "That was cool." Wonder Woman is, of course, one of DC Comics' flagship characters and the issue that Andrew and Xander are referring to is the 1982 "Catacombs" story, in which Wonder Woman is sent to find a man called Trevor who is being held captive by Aegeus. The cover depicts her as a skeleton.