12 Great Comic Book References In Buffy & Angel

10. Three Incarnations Of The Flash - Shells

Flash In the Angel episode "Shells", Illyria had just slowed down time in order for her and Knox to escape the Wolfram and Hart building when this conversation occurred... Angel: "Any idea how she got past you?" Charles Gunn: "One second she was standing there, the next, poof." Angel: "She's a teleporter?" Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: "I don't think so. No characteristic displacement of the atmosphere around her." Spike: "I fancied I saw a blur just before she went Houdini." Charles Gunn: "Yeah, like she was pulling a Barry Allen (Angel looks at him, not recognizing the name; Gunn looks around at the others). Jay Garrick? Wally - Like she was moving really fast." Gunn is referring to the Flash - the name of whom has been given to the characters Barry Allen, Jay Garrick and Wally West in the world of DC Comics. Flash is, of course, a very fast character and since it appeared that Illyria was moving really fast, he was comparing her to him.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.