12 Hilariously Bad Attempts To Reboot Classic TV Shows

2. Skins

Edgy teen drama Skins made a huge splash and was a great success for E4, reaching seven series before the UK run ended. The same cannot be said for the US reboot which only made it to the end of its initial 10 episode run on MTV before the axe fell. Predictably, Conservative groups were enraged by the show's themes and, amid a potential child pornography case due to the age of the actors, huge brands such as Taco Bell, Wrigley, Subway, Clearasil and Kraft all removed their advertising from the show. Often such levels of outrage lift a show by giving it notoriety but the sensation did not reach as far as the viewers - if it did maybe the show would have had some of the longevity enjoyed in the UK. For the most part the critical reception to the series was not bad but passively indifferent. When the general public are given a show about teenage sex and drug abuse and don't care, their apathy is its death knell. In short, the US version was too tame and simply did not translate to North American culture. The original Skins is British to the core, and trying to adapt that meant losing what made the show so popular in the first place.

I have one golden rule: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Any song or film that makes you feel good doesn't need justifying.