12 Huge TV Industry Changes Coming In 2014

10. More American Limited Series

In America, there's a new trend among the broadcast networks (CBS, NBC, ABC): making dramatic shows that air for one short season (about 13 episodes), with the possibility of more seasons if the show does well. This isn't really new to the rest of the world, but for American networks, it's a paradigm shift. While the old way of doing things certainly left a trail of one season (or less) shows throughout the years, contracts for dramas were generally designed to last a few years, with cancellation clauses if ratings were terrible. Limited series are appealing for broadcast networks for a few reasons. First, they're less of a risk financially €“ a shorter show means less money spent on the entire production. Second, there's no real incentive to cancel them unless they bomb horribly. 10 to 13 episodes is about what a cancelled show gets anyway, so there's not as much pressure to cancel when there's less money on the line. Third, with broadcast channels taking up cable networks' year round premiere schedule, limited series allow them to fill up more air time because the money they save gets spent funding new shows. So what does this mean? Expect more shows this year and possibly a wider variety of content than we usually get. And maybe, just maybe, a bigger list of cancelled shows.
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Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.