12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

2. 13 Reasons Why Season 2

USS Callister Black Mirror

The first season of 13 Reasons Why, while flawed, was ultimately a powerful, gripping and refreshingly mature look at some extremely difficult topics backed by fantastic performances by its young cast. Season two, on the other hand, was bitterly disappointing and, despite some good bits and generally powerful dialogue and performances, it destroyed most of the goodwill the show once had.

Here are 13 reasons why 13 Reasons Why season two was a big let-down:

1. The focus is on plot twists and shocking moments instead of serious issues.

2. Katherine Langford is wasted and plays a ghost.

3. It's all far too contrived.

4. Characters keep randomly disappearing and reappearing.

5. Clay Jensen, this time around, is a selfish A-hole who only cares about revenge and doesn't care about the trauma everyone else is suffering.

6. Too. Many. Subplots.

7. Hannah and Zach's relationship made no sense.

8. The mop sodomy scene was Too Far and completely gratuitous.

9. The court case was tedious and overly drawn-out.

10. Too much extra information that undermines what we learnt in season one.

11. The school shooting subplot was handled in an inaccurate and offensive manner.

12. The finale is one of the very worst season finales imaginable and the ending is too awful for words.

13. Bryce Walker doesn't die. Come on, we were all secretly hoping for that.

Don't get your hopes up for season three. Since it's following on from such a terrible ending, it's hard to see it working at all.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.