12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

1. True Detective Season 2

USS Callister Black Mirror

There are disappointments in TV and then there's this. Behold The Phantom Menace of TV.

True Detective season one was an astonishingly powerful, complex and cinematic work full of stunning visuals and featuring two of the best performances in the history of television by Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. Season one was a powerful meditation on darkness, nihilism, masculinity and religion. Season two, on the other hand, is a generic LA crime drama which doesn't tell us a thing.

The show has some good cinematography and action and the performances are mostly strong but the show is seriously let-down by Vince Vaughn's unconvincing work as a career criminal. Season two is ultimately aggressively bland, miserable to the point of exhaustion and, worst of all, painfully convoluted and literally impossible to understand. It has none of the nuances, complexity and depth that made season one so memorable.

Season one was developed over several years by Nic Pizzolatto, while this season was written in a far shorter space of time, which might be why this was so underwhelming. It certainly feels incredibly rushed and also feels derivative of season one, so it seems the show's makers weren't given time to prepare properly.

Whatever the reasons, there's no denying that this was a heart-breaking disappointment that viewers would've abandoned long before the end had it not been True Detective. Let's hope season three restores this once-great show to its former glory.

What did you think of these seasons? Any others that deserve to be here? Let us know down in the comments.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.